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LogiMAT 2024

Machine vision systems have become an integral part of today's logistics. At LogiMAT, the international trade fair for intralogistics solutions and process management held in Stuttgart from 19 to 21 March, we demonstrated how camera-based solutions can increase efficiency in the logistics sector.

In particular, our pvBoxChecker, flexible inspection stations for parcels or products on conveyor belts, met with great interest.

automatica 2023

This years automatica trade fair took place in Munich from 27-30 June.

We were very pleased with the response and were able to discuss their ideas and requirements with many interested visitors.

booth phil-vision at automatica 2022

Shop Opening

All products of our pvLight LED light panel series as well as calibration targets for Halcon12, OpenCV, Halcon, Dot, checkerboard or USAF1951 pattern are now available for easy direct ordering through our SHOP.

More products to follow soon!



VISION, the world's leading trade fair for machine vision, took place in Stuttgart from 4-6 October. We were also present and had a lot of interesting discussions.

Besides a modular multi-camera system for high-speed video recording and 3D reconstruction, we presented an extremely robust hyperspectral solution based on cameras from the Specim FX series.

In addition, we introduced our pvLight LED panels and pvCal calibration plates, as well as our new online shop.


booth phil-vision at VISION 2022


For those who missed to visit us at the show, please have a look at the short video where Rupert Stelz explained Alex Sullivan from MVPro our main exhibits.

booth phil-vision at automatica 2022

5 years phil-vision - BBQ, great discussions, lots of fun and best weather

The weather gods cooperated, so we were able to celebrate our 5th company anniversary on 8 July late into the evening at the BBQ with customers, long-time companions and our families and friends!


automatica, Munich, June 21-24, 2022

It was great to meet so many known faces and new contacts in person at automatica and to be able to discuss your ideas and applications around machine vision and image processing in a relaxed atmosphere.


booth phil-vision at automatica 2022

Do like to know more?

Do you have questions about our application reports or other news from our blog or do you need images etc?

Just get in touch with Astrid Sommerkamp by phone +49 89 125094354 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.